Film Employees Federation of Kerala
(Affiliated to All India Film Employees Confederation AIFEC)

about us

All Kerala Cine Costume
Designers Union

A Costume Designer designs costumes for the characters in a film, stage production or television show and thus contributes to the fullness of the artistic, visual world which is unique to the particular theatrical or cinematic production. The costume designer works alongside the director, script writer, cinematographer, art director, makeup artist, hair stylist and actors, as needed, to create a look that transforms the actor into the character. The Costume Designer helps place, define and enhance the character's time/era, region/country, social standing/affluence or lack there of, behavioural patterns/quirks, and emotional state through Costumes, and communicates the same to audience through colours, patterns and textures while ensuring clothing safety.

It's not always about merely beautifying a person but it's more about communicating the character to the audience, and generating a visual interest within the boundaries of the director's vision. Costume includes both clothing and accessories and the look is unfinished without make-up and hairstyle.

The designer is expected to possess strong artistic capabilities and a thorough knowledge of designing, styling, pattern development, draping, drafting, textiles, garment construction, body types, colour theories, lighting perceptions and fashion communication along with fashion history.

FEFKA Costume Designers Union that goes by the name All Kerala Cine Costume Designer's Union (AKCCDU) was formed in 2009 November at Cochin, Kerala, in affiliation with FEFKA. The Union is to be purely of a non-political and non-communal nature and is to work together for the betterment and security of the members.

The following has been the office bearers of the union in the respective years.

2009 Kumar Edappal Velayudhan Keezhillam Suresh Kumar VG
Suresh Kumar V G Velayudhan Keezhillam Kumar Edappal
2010 S. Bakthavatchalam Indrans Jayan Sunil Kumar VG
2015 Sunil Kumar VG Suresh Kumar VG Anil Chemboor
2019 Sunil Kumar VG Shaji Chalakkudy Anil Chemboor
June 2022 to April 2023
(Temporary Executive Committee)
Siji Thomas Nobel Indrans Jayan Shaji Chalakkudy

All Kerala Cine Costume Designers Union
Ara no 13, Ambedkar Nagar
Judges Avenue road, Kaloor, Kochi

+91 7306 147 942 | +91 9847 371 371 | +91 9847 762 710

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